15 Days to 5K Run/Walk and Fun Race

Only 15 more day until the big day!

Finally, the weather has turned around and we can’t wait to have you all join us at West Hill Dam in Uxbridge on May 28th at 10 am - 9am registration!!!

To sign up or for more information click on the link below:

5K Come out and Revive — Space 2 Thrive


You can take part in the RUN, you can WALK or participate in the FUN RUN/ROLL.

The Fun Run and Roll is a short obstacle and activities track. It will take place on a paved surface and will be accessible to individuals in wheelchairs, kids and all who do not feel like running or walking a 5K, but want to have a fun experience. Seniors on scooters are most welcome to join in the fun!

We will set up obstacles to go around, water guns to shoot targets, ball toss and much more!

You can run the fun run or use any kind of wheels: wheelchairs, scooters, hoverboards etc.

Sign up today! http://www.space2thrive.org/5k-come-out-and-revive

Make sure to arrive on time. The access road within the park will be closed off for the run by 9:45am. After that time you will have to park at the main gate and get to the lake area on foot.